Maths tuition
We offer maths tuition from KS1 to GCSE and have specialist teachers for different age groups. Lead teacher and centre owner, Kelly, is an accredited Specialist Dyscalculia Teacher (ATD). We recognise that many problems with maths stem from gaps in learning or a poor grasp of basic number concepts. A short burst of specialist maths tuition can really boost confidence and enable children to make significant progress at school.
What resources do you use for maths tuition?
We use varied and up-to-date resources that reflect the school curriculum, with a range of textbooks, computer programmes and practical resources to ensure that our lessons are engaging and motivating. We use a wide range of multi-sensory learning resources to ensure that children develop a deeper understanding of areas that often cause problems, such as fractions and division. We don’t follow a one size fits all programme and our maths lessons are planned specifically for each child, by their teacher, based on their own unique needs. We use Numicon, counting beads, place value equipment, multilink and even play dough in our lessons!
When can maths tuition help?
If you are finding that maths homework from school is becoming a battleground, with a sheet that should only take twenty minutes or so resulting in several hours of arguments and claims to not know what to do, your child may benefit from some additional support! You may also be told at Parents’ Evening that your child is not meeting expectations for their year group. Difficulties in maths often arise because a concept has not been fully understood when it was first introduced. When that concept is revisited in class it is often presented with more challenge, causing anxiety for children who aren’t sure what to do. This can cause a lack of confidence which in turn causes more difficulties. At Impact Tuition, many of our pupils see benefits after only a few lessons because we target gaps in learning, often going back to address an issue from an earlier key stage, identified at the initial assessment. As experienced teachers, we also quickly see which methods of teaching and learning suit each individual pupil and plan lessons to reflect this. Many pupils simply need more time for consolidation of skills to enable them to become more confident mathematicians.
Maths anxiety and dyscalculia.
“Children don’t hate maths. What they hate is being confused, intimidated and embarrassed by maths. With understanding comes passion, and with passion comes growth – a treasure is unlocked.” Larry Martinek
We understand that maths can cause some pupils considerable anxiety and always ensure that our teaching reinforces confidence and a positive attitude. Dyscalculia is a very underdiagnosed learning difficulty but can lead to profound difficulties with maths in school. If you are concerned about dyscalculia, click here for more details.
For more details on GCSE maths tuition, click here
What our parents say about our maths tuition.
” Thank you for the support you have given Joe in preparation for his GCSE maths years. Youssef has been brilliant in understanding and teaching Joe as well as giving him the confidence in his own ability. He has improved immensely and that is a testament to the great work done at Impact Tuition” Mrs B. April 2018.
“After 6 months of working with Vanessa on her maths, we were told at her last school Parents’ evening that she has made the equivalent of 2 years progress in maths and is hopefully moving up a set soon. She has rediscovered her love of learning and her confidence has improved too. We would like to say a great big thank you xx”
Caroline Lee May 2013