Before completing the signup form, please read these Terms and Conditions.

Key Conditions of Enrolment

  • Impact Tuition will provide tuition by professionally qualified teachers to improve your child’s standard in the subject or subjects agreed to be provided. 
  • Homework can be given if required but we are aware that it is not always appropriate and are happy to be flexible with the quantity and regularity. 
  • Teachers will give verbal feedback regularly. GCSE teachers are happy to text or email feedback if older pupils attend lessons independently. If you need more detailed feedback, please email any queries, as teachers may have other parents waiting and/or another lesson to start.
  • Lessons will be taught in very small groups at a designated time.
  • Lessons are term-time only.
  • Additional catch-up and optional holiday lessons may be scheduled in school holiday times.
  • All of our teachers hold Professional Qualified Teacher status and have classroom experience.
  • Our centre is OFSTED registered.
  • Our electrical equipment is regularly PAT tested.
  • We have a fire-safety plan and our safety equipment is checked regularly by qualified professionals.
  • Key members of staff are trained in paediatric first aid.


Please be aware of our missed lesson policy. In line with the vast majority of after school clubs and private tutors, missed lessons must be paid for unless there are exceptional circumstances. When you enrol with us, we reserve a lesson at a specific time, with a specific teacher for your child. We do always offer a catch-up lesson that can be taken within the same term so that you do not pay for a lesson that your child doesn’t take. Rescheduled lessons should be taken within the same half-term. We can only roll one lesson over to summer holiday sessions.

We have running costs attached to every session and it only takes a few missed lessons a week to add up to a significant loss. In the case of no notice missed lessons, in particular, your child’s lesson will have been planned and prepared by their teacher and we are unable to allocate the place to another pupil who may need to reschedule. 

We are always happy to reschedule lessons in advance as we know that sometimes after-school events or birthdays etc happen on tuition days. Please do let us know as soon as you can as it enables us to use your child’s space that week for other pupils who need catch-up lessons. 

If your child is repeatedly absent, unless there are exceptional circumstances, we reserve the right to discontinue tuition.

You can email, call or text to let us know that you need to reschedule. All of our contact details are at the bottom of our emails to you. 

We will try to book a catch-up lesson, within the half term, in the case of a missed lesson.

There is a requirement to give one week’s written notice to the centre director to withdraw your child from lessons.

Lessons must be paid in advance.

Impact Tuition reserve the right to discontinue lessons, in the event of overdue fees or repeated missed lessons with no notice. Any discounts offered will not apply in the event of late payment, except in exceptional circumstances, at the discretion of the centre owner. 

Sharing Personal Information 

We will only share your personal contact details with 3rd parties, in the event, of unpaid fees. Otherwise, your personal details are stored securely and only used for routine correspondence required in the course of providing tuition for your child. They will not be passed onto any 3rd party for marketing purposes. Individual teachers and centre staff, may access your details to contact you in case of an emergency.

We are registered with ICO.

By completing the following form, you are agreeing that you have read and understood these Conditions of Enrolment.